try to solve this problems using your favorite programming languages and its frameworks
try to solve this problems using your favorite programming languages and his frameworks
Problems to be solved |
1. Find the shortest path between two nodes |
2. Find the first 10 prime numbers |
3. Sorting 50 numbers. |
4. Given two strings, write a program that efficiently finds the longest common subsequence. |
5. Given two strings, write a program that outputs the shortest sequence of character insertions and deletions that turn one string into the other. |
6. Write a program that displays a bouncing ball. |
7. Write a Memory game. |
8. Write a program that automatically generates essays for you. |
9. Write a program that outputs all possibilities to put + or - or nothing between the numbers 1,2,…,9 (in this order) such that the result is 100 . For example: 1 + 2 + 3 - 4 + 5 + 6 + 78 + 9 = 100. |
10. Write a function that combines two lists by alternatingly taking elements. For example: [a,b,c], [1,2,3] → [a,1,b,2,c,3] . |
11. Write a function that takes a number and returns a list of its digits. So for 2342 it should return [2,3,4,2] . |
12. Write a function that returns the largest element in a list. |
13. Write a function that takes a list of strings and prints them, one per line, in a rectangular frame. |
For example the list
["Hello", "World", "in", "a", "frame"]
gets printed as:
* Hello *
* World *
* in *
* a *
* frame *
Firstly, fork
and get your copy of this repo
Secondly, create your own branch
Thirdly, clone
the repo from your profile on your machine executing the folowing code:
$ git clone<your-profile-name>/test-your-skills.git
Finally create a folder-with-your-name
and lets the magic happen 😁🤓..
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